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Tummy Tuck Surgery in Turkey: What You Need to Know

In recent years, Turkey has become a worldwide centre in the field of aesthetic surgery. Especially tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery is among the most preferred aesthetic operations in Turkey. This popularity is due to a number of factors such as the high quality services, affordable prices and experienced surgeons the country offers. If you are thinking of getting rid of excess fat in your abdominal area, we have compiled what you need to know about tummy tuck in turkey.

Why Turkey?

Affordable Cost

Turkey offers very affordable prices for tummy tuck surgeries. This is related to the fact that the cost of the operation is lower than similar procedures in Europe or the United States. The affordable cost offers patients the opportunity to save money while receiving quality service.

High Quality Service

Turkish hospitals and clinics provide services using modern technology and high standards of hygiene. Cosmetic surgeons in Turkey are internationally recognised professionals with extensive experience in their fields.

Rich Cultural and Touristic Opportunities

Before and after the surgery, patients may have the opportunity to explore Turkey's rich cultural heritage and natural beauties. The historical peninsula of Istanbul, the fairy chimneys of Cappadocia or the magnificent beaches of Antalya can make your recovery process more enjoyable.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Process


After deciding on tummy tuck surgery, it is important to undergo a detailed health check. This check-up both determines whether you are suitable for surgery and is important for planning the surgery. In the period before the surgery, it is recommended to quit smoking and follow a healthy diet programme.


Abdominoplasty is usually performed under general anaesthesia and may take 2-5 hours. During the operation, excess skin and fat tissue are removed and the abdominal muscles are tightened. With this procedure, the abdominal area gets a flatter and firmer appearance.

The Aftermath

After the operation, you may need to stay in hospital for a short time. During the recovery period, it is important to avoid heavy physical activity for a certain period of time and to wear the corset recommended by the doctor. Although the healing process varies from person to person, you can usually return to normal daily activities within a few weeks.
