Alexis's blog

I've collected 450 coms and was only killed once at the tower in mage wear, the shifters ganged me and oops ! I respawned on RuneScape gold the landing, but it was a loss without points. It's because The Void Knight was killed by pests, not because you had died. And leaf - ty much for the recommendation about the deflector. And i would begin at 1000?

I've only played conquest once , and it was slow and I asked the man to destroy everyone in a hurry so I could leave - lol Everyone gets a rating of 1k. There's no difference if you win or lose the game, you'll still earn praise when playing Conquest. Playing longer in the game will give you more praise.

Additionally, there's the "resign" button in case you truly want to cancel. I'll need to go over the pc thing again - and hope for a 1250 rating to earn the deflector. Then I'll be able to quit that pest place and leave. It isn't possible to get Conquest rank via PC. What about SW? A great mager freezes you when you exit - its a fight to get out of the gate.

And if I do manage to get it out? the game gets sluggish and I am stuck in my place while everything else flows around me - yes my connection is slow. If you just want the XP, go kill Pyrefiends and Jellies instead of trying to defend the altar of the soul. Especially if you are at a low level.

The Prot Mage prayer exists for a reason. I appreciate your recommendation to get the deflector and wear the three pieces plus the helm for the boost. You need to wear an empty helm and 3 other pieces in order to receive the bonus from the set.

Botting appears and goes around in waves. There's a great deal of bots around for a while, but then Jagex arrives and buy RS gold crushes the entire population like bugs. Denno you know how Jagex accomplishes this. They're away for a few minutes, then come back. Then Jagex nukes them all again for a period of time. It's an endless cycle.

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