Everything players need to know about Duelist from YYJJJ's blog

Players can choose different classes according to their preferences in Path of Exile. Some players may buy POE Orbs to configure better equipment for it after choosing a role. And some characters are very useful in themselves. Duelist is one of them, and many old players will choose it. If players don’t know something about it, here are some professional tips.

Tinker With The Skill Gems. Most of Duelist's skills and weapons are rigid, but in addition to using POE Currency to buy better weapons, skill gems seem to be used to stimulate their imagination. Some of them mix well with the class and don't have a consensus on the person they like the most. Duelist may blink with Flicker Strike, use Viper Strike to poison enemies, or use Cleave to kill followers. Or even all three are in the same version.

Guardian is either the worst or the best. Many people may think that saying that any combination of skills is either the worst or the best in the game is a sloppy statement, but in the case of Guardian Ascendancy, this is definitely true. This makes ranking it among other Ascendandies a very difficult task. The entire Ascendancy will enhance the companions in the party. Because the Duelist usually has no servants, it means it only works for other party members. Single players should not consider it. Group players should not consider anything else. If you want to quickly enhance yourself, players generally buy POE Currency to quickly improve.

The Dominance Of Life Leech. For novice players, they need to fully understand the content. Helpful experts will always ensure that information about the Ascendancy course is included in advance. And at least they will not mention that Slayer will cause harm. There are several life-sucking skills in this tree, which are very different from Duelist. In addition to parrying attacks, Duelist does not have many natural defensive capabilities. Players can prepare some POE Currency to buy better equipment for them to increase their defense capabilities.

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Added Sep 22 '21



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