The first step in preparing for laboratory work is to familiarize yourself with theoretical knowledge. To do this, the teacher informs in advance about the upcoming assignment and gives a chance to teach the material, close the gaps in knowledge. If the student, in his opinion, is not sufficiently prepared, the teacher has every right to prevent the practical implementation of the assignment.
Students must understand the theory before doing the lab. In this case, the student will be forced to go for an individual retake, which is usually done with even more difficulty. Otherwise, you can make use of companies to prepare everything. With this type of work, like laboratory work, students should not have indulgences, since unpreparedness, first of all, affects their safety, and only then on knowledge. The algorithm for performing laboratory work, like any other scientific work, has some nuances:
Protection and evaluation of work
Regardless of whether the research was carried out collectively or by each student individually, the defense of laboratory / practical work is strictly individual. This means that you should hire here editors to get a competitive edge. All those who took part in the work should have their own conclusions about the study and a well-written report, which they will subsequently bring to the teacher for verification.
During the defense, the teacher can ask a couple of questions about the theoretical material, thereby checking how you learned the knowledge. He also checks the correctness of the report in accordance with the methodological development. If a student answers the questions posed with confidence, then he / she should not worry about his grade further. But those who could not understand the material will have to sweat or go for a retake, which at the university can take place with a commission. Let's see what and what grade a student can get:
We can say that laboratory work is a very exciting process of assimilating theoretical knowledge in practice, but, like other scientific work, laboratory work requires attentiveness, perseverance, diligence and, most importantly, responsibility. If you don't have the time to dedicate to this, then source will be the solution. Because, in addition to the fact that during the research you need to gain knowledge, you also need to behave correctly, since during the experiment, the safety of all participants depends on your actions, in addition to yours. Only under such conditions can you get not only good grades, but also pleasure from work.