Tokens must also be given at the end of each game from Skyzhay's blog

It is possible to ride your OSRS GP donkey around a lot after you've learned how to feed it. When your pet level reaches about 20, you will see a higher pet level. You are able to return to the desert to get an additional pet. You can get the wolf. The wolf will be following you. However, you can select your wolf's right click and select "use" then hit a monster and the wolf will strike. Your wolf has the capability of producing 20 HP. The level of your pet will rise by one. Your pet will gain 25hp.

Then at 40 pet level you can go back to the desert getting a elephant. The elephant follows you around and you can right click it and choose to store. You can keep things inside your eelhpants pouches. 1 pet level is one extra slot for your elephant. Your elephant will run 22% more efficient with one pet level. The storage of your pets.

Are you a fan of casual games of Gop? Are you sick of seeing novices who leave your team and going to 2v5 (and yet, you aren't able to quit because there is the penalty of 10 minutes). And annoyed by teams of people who train together, while you are on a team with 4 people you've never even seen, creating completely unfair teams?

Great Orb Project needs two separate worlds. Two worlds are necessary, not just for member and f2p, but also for two different styles of play. There's absolutely no reason why players should not form teams with players whom they have a excellent teamwork. It is not a good idea to play against novice players or players who are just starting out with the game.

So, there should be a clan version, in which clans with 2 to 5 people can compete against one another and a third world where you can't join yellow or green in a direct manner, but rather join one of the blue wizards, which places you on the team of a random selection. Qutting the team to which you're randomly assigned could result in a 2 minute penalty(otherwise players could simply quit and rejoin until they are on the desired team).

Tokens must also be given at the end of OSRS gold each game. So, even if you lose connection or lag out half way though the game, you will receive the tokens you hate. In the morning, I lost 20+ games. When I finally won a game I lag out at the fire altar.

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