Here's an example of my concept for OSRS gold the first and second floors of our home. I wanted to show all of the Chapels. Guthix is my favorite, as his chapel is located on the second level of my "Royal Suite". Although this leaves me just 4 rooms to build the Dungeon should I ever want one, I don't see the point in building one. Although I may reconsider my decision but this is the idea I have for my RS "dream Home".
You should note that I'm still at level 50 Construction which means that some rooms aren't built. This is my vision for the future. At present I have 21 bedrooms including the very first portal room I built this morning.
During my RS career, I was able to have a lot of various items. Halloween masks. Santa Claus, all GWD items. How you look in-game I believe, it significantly affects how people perceive you. For instance, when I was in the full 3rd grade, at the level 110, a lot of kids asked how I earned my money.
I don't wear anything particularly ugly (Mith necklace, studded chapss, etc), but I do love it! I don't have anyone following me around asking for buy RS gold claws. I believe people view me as a dumb person, therefore they don't bother and ignore me. Actually, the other day, I was wearing this and switched to Full bandos+claws.
The Wall