If you're a part of
OSRS gold a team, you'll want to get 100+ combat which is 75-80 strength, and 75 attacking at a minimum and 75 or better defence so you're not sat on the couch eating for hours. Find 70 prayer and piety, 43 prayer won't cut it. Take 52 Summoning to the Terrorbird at the very least, in the event that you don't get 67 or something you'd like for a War Toxoid or a Bunyip. Make sure you raise your magical level (to maybe 70) in order to reach that goal and to protect yourself from being Mage-raped.
I suggest that the minimum for a team should be 80 attack and 75 def , 75 str, 52 summon, 60 pray and 75 magic for magic def. Those are not minimum statistics. The minimum should be 85/85/85 with 70 prayer and 80 magic and maybe fruitbat. After I entered the numbers you recommended in zybez's fight skill calculator, it came out as 96cb. A 115cb score is the minimum. most teams would require of 115cb to have chaotics.
A great def againest random weapon (like torag) with a d'hide helm, ez helm top and torags legs is excellent. We have good wepons, like ags, bgs+ claws or sgs or chaotic rapir/maul - Agree. The sharks, or better food that comes with super pots - Rocktails would be the best and, if you have the chance get extremes/ovls
On scape-xp calc it says that it is around 102 particularly since i have stats similar to this. However, i am at 106 or 105 i do not remember. you must be in the HP lvl and most teams will take 100+. Torag is the better choice. I said sharks or better you don't have to have rock tails and this is the same with super pots. It's not necessary to be a lvl in order to create extremes or even ovls
Off topic: I am doing nothing to insult anyone or be mean, but the person who put up the post u replayed on made the same comment as me . However, u didn't replay on him . You should put an end to
rs07 fire cape this since the ss and. Whip thread was closed. You know what i discussing...
The Wall